When I was younger, I always thought of the beach and living at the beach like the scenes depicted in the "Gidget" movies. Everyone was young, tanned, drove a VW Van and had a surfboard on top.
In May of 2006, I had decided to move with Christie and Mike to Pismo Beach, it was a bright sunny day, and we loaded up the U-Haul the night before and headed out the the next morning about 9:00am. I followed Mike in my car and he was driving the U-Haul, from Porterville to Pismo, but around 12:30pm I was getting hungry and decided to pull off at an In & Out Burger in Atascadero. I knew that Atascadero was only 20 minutes from the beach house we had rented, so I wasn't worried about catching up with them. As I pulled into the parking lot of the burger place, I noticed 3 VW vans and one had a surfboard on top.
I grabbed my camera and took the photo of the three VW Vans. I took it as a symbol of good luck and that I had made the right decision. I think all along I thought I had made the right decision, but somehow seeing the 3 vans in the parking lot made me realize it completely. I smiled as I took the photo and I was so happy to be moving to the coast on that bright sunny day in May of 2006.
Fast forward four years, I am out looking for a beach house for me and Steven to rent, now its December 2010, still loving the beach life, but need to make a change. I have been roommates with Christie and Mike for over four years and it is starting to feel a little cramped, we seem to get into each others way more these days, so I started to look around for another place. I took a look at the cute beach house on Teddy Bear Lane and really liked it, the landlord said he would call me Monday and let me know, he had several others people taking a look at it too.
I decide to go to Ross and return a blouse I had bought for the company Christmas party but decided not to wear. As I was walking through the store I saw this VW sitting on the table along with other vintage metal cars and I just smiled. Turned it over and the price tag read $13.99 so I picked it up, took to the check out counter, purchased it, and smiled all the way to the car. I think it might be another sign of good luck. I hope so!